ROAD TRIP!!! Day 1 - Cody, Wyoming to Laramie, Wyoming

Hello from southern Wyoming!

Some of you may know that Bliss is doing online school this year — at least until we are sure that schools in Cody aren’t going to go to Tier 2 (aka online-only learning) in the first weeks (or months) of school. Brad, Bliss and I decided in early August that the uncertainty of school in the Covid-19 era — combined with what we felt was a sub-par educational experience during the two+ months of quarantine this spring — was reason enough to embark on one more big adventure in the weirdest year of our lives. #2020homeschoolers Wow! I seriously never, ever, EVER thought we would be a homeschooling family. I recognize how fortunate we are to be able to make that choice — and we’re thankful for the crew of homeschooling moms who are helping to share the burden. But, here we are — and so far, so good. (Plus, the dogs LOVE it!)

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I’m not going to lie, once we started thinking about it, the flexibility was pretty appealing. We love to travel (in normal times), and school from a beach sounds pretty good to all of us, ESPECIALLY to those of us who just get to swim and lie in the sun.

My sister just moved from Wyoming to Oklahoma to be with her daughter for the last three years of her high school — and Bliss recently pointed out that she had never been in a CAR to a state that doesn’t border Wyoming. It seemed like perfect timing…

So, with Bliss as the chief photographer — and yours truly as the one-and-only driver — we took off yesterday from Cody. Day one was 350+ miles from Cody to Laramie — in Wyoming fall weather so glorious the smoke from western wildfires was ALMOST a non-issue.

Every trip through Casper has to include a meal at Pho Saigon, FYI! Mountains, leaves just beginning to turn, wide-open spaces and wind turbines — followed by dinner with the world’s best cousins! It was a good day.

Will post Day 2 tomorrow!

Peace and love,


Did I mention that all trip photos are courtesy of the one-and-only Bliss Bonner?

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