Social Distancing is HARD... How are you holding up?
Like many of you, my family has been holed up for the past MILLION days. Seriously, what we are dealing with right now is not easy. Concern for our older loved ones, having kids at home all day, financial worries — not being able to buy toilet paper! Our world is in a really weird place.
I recognize how fortunate I am to be able to work from home. I have lists of things that need to be done — both professional and personal stuff. And, you guessed it, one of the items at the top of my list: start a blog. It seems like this time of Social Distancing is as good a time as any, right?
The Blog-Goddesses tell me that the first installment is a good time to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about me and what the heck this blog will focus on. So, here goes…
As you’ve probably guessed, my name is Yancy Dearinger Bonner. I’m a professional interior designer based in Wyoming. After a series of other careers (kindergarten teacher, design and home show coordinator, newspaper editor, and non-profit director, among others!), I returned to school when I was nearing the big 4-0. I earned a Master of Arts in interior architecture and design and opened a boutique interior design firm. I’m a one-woman show, and some days are definitely easier than others.
When I’m not designing spaces for clients (or my family), I love to cook and entertain, spend time outside (in our own gorgeous backyard — and in the wilds of Wyoming), make art, write, and travel. Clearly, as most of you are also experiencing, the current situation is putting a damper on activity. A couple and a 13-year-old girl stuck in one space could be a recipe for disaster. But, so far, we’re doing OK.
We are trying to stick to a routine: regular meals, daily workouts, schoolwork and work-work (including a re-design of our kitchen and a possible home gym addition — I’ll be posting our preliminary ideas/concepts for feedback!), reaching out to people who may need some help, lots of reading, and Netflix. Always, Netflix.
So, why would I start a blog? Honestly, the biggest reason is to be able to share design projects in a way that goes beyond what I may share on social and my website. I think people like to hear the stories behind projects — to better understand why we do what we do. Right?
My love for cooking (EATING) and entertaining, is a legacy from my grandmothers that I feel really proud to continue and, hopefully, pass on to my daughter and stepdaughter. It’s a pretty special feeling to pull off a spectacular, intimate dinner party, a beautiful holiday meal for extended family, or a raucous backyard blow-out with friends. I’ve spent years honing the art of being a host — why not share what I’ve learned with others?
And travel… Travel is where we find common ground in this great big world of ours. We learn about other cultures and cuisines, we share destinations with others around the globe, we relax with family and friends. And we simply gain a better understanding of the human condition.
Back to the current situation. It’s tough. It’s unsettling. It’s unprecedented in my lifetime. So I urge you to seek goodness, to BE good. Appreciate the little things, make human connections and help others (safely), learn something new, LOVE each other. This will pass. THIS. WILL. PASS.
Until it does, I’d love to get to know you. Please share what you’re doing to get through this time of uncertainty. We can all support and reassure each other. Please, no hugs.